2001: The Year in Music
by Tim McMahan
This year for my annual
year-in-review column, a slightly different approach.
Usually the piece is nothing more than a blowhard's rant about how low and
crusty and irrefutably bad music has become over the past year. How the
proliferation of nancy-boy tigerbeat dance troupes, hate-mongering, misogynistic
goon-rap projects and crotch-grabbing T&A spectacles have dominated not only
the pop music charts and radio waves, but sullied the tastes of the average
American music-goer who doesn't know any better than what he or she sees on MTV.
That's too easy, and let's face it, we've heard it all before -- at least for
the past two years. And by the look of things, we're going to be stuck with this
flavorless, odorless, colorless "pap" music on our radios and TV
screens at least for another year or so. Nothing will change until the music
industry -- that marvel of money-making ingenuity -- drowns itself in its own
cow-flop. The irony is that even a puppy, after a few months of whoofing down
its own doo-doo, comes to the realization that maybe there's something better to
eat out in the yard. Translated: Turn off your radios, folks, and start buying
So here's where the hope comes in. The week
before Christmas I was combing through the 150 or so 2001-released CDs
that I've listened to, reviewed or referenced over the past year to
compile my annual "best of" compilation disc that I burn and
send to family, friends and industry pals in lieu of the usual bullshit
holiday card. Only the best-of-the-best indie tracks make the cut, and
usually I'm scrambling to fill the 18 or so slots.
But not this year. This time, lying on the floor in front of me was a
pile of 50 CDs with selected "perfect tracks," way too many for
an 80-minute CDR. Then it struck me -- this hasn't been just
another crappy year in music. In fact, this may have been one of the best
years for indie rock in recent memory. It just so happens almost none of
it was heard by the great unwashed masses, but who cares? Griping and
grousing about the terrible state of the popular culture isn't gonna make
a squat of difference. We're always gonna be bombarded by the cadre of
N*Limp Britneys because they and their cigar-chomping Armani-suited
management control the airwaves. Turn it off and turn on something new.
Which is as good a segue as any to what you've all been panting for: My
"top-10 favorites" of 2001 (in no particular order):
This may have been one of the best
years for indie rock in recent memory.
- Burning Airlines -- Identikit (DeSoto). Burns from one end to
another -- hard, fast rock with enough pop sensibility to grab the ear
of your typical alt-radio programmer if he/she had an inkling of
- Les Savy Fav -- Go Forth (Frenchkiss). A chiming wall of
guitar post-punk by way of neu-prog, with nods to Modest Mouse's
quirky recklessness (produced by Modest Mouse/Built to Spill
knob-turner Phil Ek) and At the Drive In's hollow violence. And for
the lucky few at the Sokol Underground that November night, they also
put on the year's best live show.
- The New Year -- Newness Ends (Touch and Go). The Kadane
Brothers (ex-Bedhead) team with Come's Chris Brokaw on drums and
former Saturnine bassist Mike Donofrio, with Uber-engineer Steve
Albini behind the knobs. The result is Bedhead-esque, but with a more
focused urgency, greater dynamics and better vocals. Get lost in it.
- Sorry About Dresden -- The Convenience of Indecision (Saddle
Creek). Whereas hype-band-of-the-year The Strokes do only a passable
job of stealing from Lou Reed and company (among others), SAD succeeds
in marrying their nods to Elvis C. and Graham P. with the best shrugs
to '90s-era indie slacker rock. The year's best sing-along album.
- Paula Frazer -- Indoor Universe (Birdman). Ex-Tarnation
chanteuse, these simple pop songs with lush arrangements place her
alongside some of today's strongest songwriters including Aimee Mann,
as well as heroes of yesterday like Edie Brickell and Suzanne Vega.
- Red House Painters -- Old Ramon (Sub Pop) --
Singer-songwriter Mark Kozelek may sound like a terminal Gloomy Gus,
but he manages to break free for this career-making effort that
strikes all warm and honest like a clearing in a forest. Acoustic
mellow with an edge, and one of the best voices in the biz.
- Low -- Things We Lost in the Fire (Kranky). The band famous
for making music in which the spaces between notes are as important as
the notes themselves, this time fills them with a fuzz bass or dense,
groggy rock guitar. Mostly forlorn and lost, so catchy you can't help
but listen.
- The Faint -- Danse Macabre (Saddle Creek). Neu New Wave
electronic pop by Omaha's next big thing, there's no denying the grim
themes that run through the entire CD, but even with the predominately
minor-key music, the beats overpower any feelings of gloom. By the
time it's through you'll believe you can dance, whether you really can
or not.
- Crooked Fingers -- Bring on the Snakes (Warm) -- What Neil
Diamond would sound like if he fronted the Tindersticks. The
co-founder of noise-pop masters Archers of Loaf tames things down on
eight surreal acoustic lullabies. Eric Bachmann is the tune, play him
- Stephen Malkmus -- self-titled (Matador) -- Almost a tie with
the other Pavement spin-off, Preston School of Industry. Though this
doesn't rock as hard, it's quirkier, poppier, and much more cleverly
written. Pavement is dead, long live Pavement.
There were
scads of others that almost made the list, including Death Cab for Cutie;
Son, Ambulance, The Dismemberment Plan, Spoon, Now It's Overhead,
Aereogramme, Sigur Ros, The American Analog Set, Atom & His Package,
and more. Yes, Virginia, there is a world outside of your radio and MTV,
and it's driven by good, smart, honest music.
Okay, so here's my take on why indie is on the upswing: Ask any indie
rocker from the past decade what band has influenced him and you'll likely hear
the same list of indie/punk mavericks: Husker Du, The Replacements, Fugazi,
The Feelies, The Cure, Joy Division, Bad Brains, Black Flag, Gang of Four,
Minutemen, R.E.M., Dinosaur Jr., Wire, Mission of Burma, The Meat Puppets,
Pere Ubu, X, and so on -- all bands that flourished in anonymity 20 or so
years ago. Now the children of the children of the '80s are forming their
own bands. Imagine a generation raised from the cradle on a rich diet of
their parents' 7-inch vinyl, learning to walk while Sonic Youth or the
Dead Kennedys blared in the background. Only good can come of this.
The irony is that even a puppy, after a few months of whoofing down
its own doo-doo, comes to the realization that maybe there's something better to
eat out in the yard.
The Ranch Bowl's bizarre LA-style ticket
scheme, where local bands are forced to hustle tickets to friends and
neighbors to earn their pay, resulted in scaring away most of the better
local acts.
Which brings us to a look at Omaha's music scene circa 2001:
- Easily the most noteworthy event last year was
Saddle Creek Records'
evolution from a tiny boutique label to a genuine force in the indie
music world. Saddle Creek bands spent the year jockeying for position
on the College Music Journal charts while they criss-crossed
the United States and UK on tour. The label ventured out of its
insular family of acts and added a plethora of out-of-towners to its
already strong roster, including Now It's Overhead, Azure Ray and
Sorry About Dresden. With new releases slated from Bright Eyes,
Cursive, The Good Life, Azure Ray and Desaparecidos, 2002 promises to
be an even bigger year for the label that calls Omaha home.
- Neva Dinova and The Monroes were the most promising non-Saddle Creek
acts to emerge from the Omaha scene. Neva's trippy self-released
full-length was among the best local recordings in '01, while The
Monroes tore up the stage with their unique brand of tractor-punk
howlers -- look for their new 3-song 7-inch in early January.
Meanwhile, alt-country rockers The Movies also made a mark on local
psyches and plan to do more damage when they release their new CD in
early 2002. Also look for a new one by The Carsinogents, who will
enter Lincoln's Presto studios this spring.
- The live music scene revolved around the same handful of war-torn
venues. The Ranch Bowl continued to push its GetGo! Records' stable
and hosted a smattering of national touring bands that fall mostly
into the goon-aggra-rap category, apparently turning its back on
quality indie music altogether. The Bowl's bizarre LA-style ticket
scheme, where local bands are forced to hustle tickets to friends and
neighbors to earn their pay, resulted in scaring away most of the better
local acts. Recent news reports about The Bowl's problems meeting
local fire ordinance standards only cast more doubt on the venue's
already questionable future.
- In its second year, The Music Box continued to book mostly
second-rate national AOR-friendly acts, commonly referred to as
"the county fair circuit." Clem Snide and Will Oldham were
notable exceptions, but both failed to draw crowds the size of the
Box's usual fodder of yesteryear rockers, like The Average White Band
or Maceo Parker. The December local music showcase featuring Neva
Dinova and The Good Life was a triumph, drawing close to 500. With
Delmar Production's Marq Manner now consulting with Music Box manager
J. Rankin on bookings, the venue might begin to take some chances with
more cutting-edge bands.
- Sokol Underground again hosted the most-progressive
national bands, including Smog, Death Cab for Cutie, Swearing
at Motorists, Spoon, The Dismemberment Plan, Les Savy Fav, Stephen
Malkmus, and, of course, The Faint and other Saddle Creek acts.
The venue's reputation continues to grow. Meanwhile The Cog
Factory, once Omaha's ground zero for indie and punk rock,
watched its rent rise while its audience dwindled. Now, with the
tax man pounding at its door, the nationally known venue that's
influenced almost every indie/punk band in Omaha will discontinue
operations for good in 2002, at least at its current location.
- A handful of new venues also made their mark in '01. McCormick's, a
volleyball bar located somewhere in West Omaha, began booking touring
blues acts, raves, and local bands in its "Mac-dome"
facility. Dazy Maze, a vegetarian restaurant in the Old Market, became
a regular hangout for local alternative bands and the occasional
national act, thanks to it groovy outdoor stage. Even Ted &
Wally's, an Old Market ice cream shop, booked a few shows in its tiny
But maybe the biggest impact on the Omaha
music scene last year came from the media that covers it. Or, more
accurately, the press that covers it.
The irony of ironies is that the media with audio capabilities do the
worst job of reporting what can be heard in their own back yards. Radio and
television are abysmal in supporting the local music scene.
Why even
mention television? Because local TV news could benefit the most by paying
attention to what interests young viewers, a demographic that has a
reputation -- accurate or not -- for being watchers, not readers. And yet,
local TV news caters its content almost exclusively to the grown-ups and
gray hairs -- the demographic that historically prefers getting its news
from a newspaper. Blame the consultants, those out-of-touch evil
manipulators who make a living whispering safe idiocies into the tone-deaf
ears of cow-eyed, nitwit executive producers lost somewhere in TV Land
circa 1970.
Then there's radio. With the exception of the 89.7 The River -- the
station that uses its non-commercial license to broadcast the same
goon-rock dreck that can be heard on two other commercial stations --
there's nary a mention of local music on the airwaves 'cept for the
occasional 30-second spot for whatever lousy hardcore act will be
floundering around the Ranch Bowl's stage this weekend. Even then, The
River's self-congratulatory "support" of local music consists of
a once-a-week, 2-hour local music show broadcast conveniently when no one
is listening, and the rare sandwiching of a Faint or Pomeroy song between
hours of Blink-Limp-Godsmack-goon-rock bleatings.
Amidst all that apathy, along comes The Omaha World-Herald.
Over the past year, that great, gray bastion of conservatism --
hardly on the cutting edge of anything that is hip -- continued
to expand its local music coverage to the point of creating a weekly
entertainment tabloid -- aptly titled Go! -- that tries to
keep pace with the hottest local bands, venues and going's on. Entertainment
reporter Christine Laue can be found at local rock shows almost
every weekend -- something unheard of from past OWH entertainment
reporters. An interview with The Dismemberment Plan? A Q&A with
Frank Black? This definitely is not your father's World-Herald.
Meanwhile, The Reader, a weekly paper that -- along with the
Omaha Weekly -- covers the local scene, down-shifted its music
coverage when the managing editor, former Omaha World-Herald music
reporter Jim Minge, left the paper under undisclosed circumstances (some
say he quit, some say he was fired). Although constantly criticized for
his news judgment, there was no questioning Minge's background in local
music. Regardless, The Reader continued to keep up with the action,
thanks to a weekly column written by Marq Manner, arguably the scene's
most visible music writer.
Finally, there is SLAM Omaha -- www.slamomaha.com -- a music-focused
Web site with everything from local club listings to music links to a
weekly showcase calendar to a no-holds-barred discussion board where
uptight music hackers -- known as "Slammers" -- post messages
about topics ranging from the sad state of local radio to Omaha's jungle
music scene to what CD they're listening to today, sprinkling in healthy
doses of promotion for their favorite band's upcoming gig or CD release.
No one knows just how influential SLAM Omaha really is. Some say that
despite the site's impressive "hit" statistics, only a hundred
or so people frequent it regularly, and most of them are in bands. But one
thing's for certain, the SLAM Web site is the only media vehicle solely
dedicated to local music, and if the futorians are right and the future of
music really will be broadcast on the 'net, SLAM some day could wind up
being more influential than radio and TV combined.
The irony of ironies is that the media with audio capabilities do the
worst job of reporting what can be heard in their own back yard.
sounds like a prediction to me, and
we get to predictions for 2002, let's review last year's prophecies:
LY (last year's) Prediction: The return of overblown prog-rock,
a modernized version of that old epic song-and-dance invented by the
likes of Rush, Kansas, Yes and King Crimson.
Outcome: What do you call Radiohead? Actually, the biggest shift
to prog came from the indie world, from bands like Cave In, Mogwai,
Sigur Ros, Dismemberment Plan, Juno. Hardy a movement, but then again,
it wasn't in the '70s, either.
LY Prediction: MTV will begin to discard its reality-series
format and return to music videos.
Outcome: Strangely, the station actually has begun to schedule full
blocks of videos again, but it's definitely a trickle. Road Rules/Real
World bore-a-thons still dominate the programming, and for some reason MTV has begun running
professional wrestling -- a major step backwards. And where's 120
Minutes? Guess I'll have to move to a city whose cable offers M2.
LY Prediction: Bands and musicians we'll be talking about this
time next year: Stephen Malkmus, Weezer, Radiohead, Built to Spill,
Unwound, R.E.M., Neil Young, Prince, The Faint, Air and Beck. Bands and
musicians we won't be talking about this time next year: Papa Roach, Kid
Rock, Moby, Matchbox 20, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Greenday, Sting and
Outcome: Mostly on the mark, except of course for the absent Beck
(what happened?) and the curiously quiet Neil Young.
LY Prediction: U2 as we now know it will finally call it
Outcome: Yeah, they're bigger than ever, but the band behind the
cheesy "Beautiful Day" is a shadow of the one that performed
"Sunday Bloody Sunday" at Red Rocks way back when.
LY Prediction: Female-fronted indie artists, such as Liz Phair,
Helium, Cat Power, Come and Barbara Manning, will slowly begin to
reemerge in the post-Lilith Fair environment.
Outcome: We're still waiting, unless you count Pink.
LY Prediction: Look for Son, Ambulance to make national
waves with their split Bright Eyes CD. Don't be surprised if Conor
Oberst's music begins to turn up on your television next year either as
a backgrounder on a WB/Fox TV show or when Conor is asked to perform on
a late-night comedy/talk show.
Outcome: Whoops!
LY Prediction: An Omaha band not affiliated with the insular
Saddle Creek scene also will gain national exposure.
Outcome: Whoops! II
LY Prediction: Two new big-dollar live music venues will open in
Omaha that will make competition even tighter among the more popular
venues. The loser will be Sokol Underground.
Outcome: Sokol Underground was saved from becoming an office space and
had the best year in its existence with no end in sight. The FunPlex
(96th and Q, dude) hosting live music seemed like a no-brainer -- the
owners apparently thought otherwise. And while the MacDome, Dazy Maze,
Rebels, and Ted and Wally's began live music this year, they hardly were
a threat to the Ranch Bowl and will never fill the Cog Factory's shoes.
LY Prediction: Major record labels will turn to established
music-based Internet websites to both market and regain credibility for
their acts.
Outcome: Pitchfork, Buddyhead, Splendid, Basement Life, and
LostAtSea (put a dot com after each name) all continued to grow in '01.
LY Prediction: Through court action, Napster will finally be laid
to rest, but it won't matter, as new technology that does the
same thing as Napster will continue to offer free music downloads beyond
the music industry's grasp.
Outcome: I'll write one as soon as I finish downloading the latest
White Stripes CD from AudioGalaxy.com.
LY Prediction: Commercial radio in Omaha will remain as dismal as
ever until some ambitious youth starts either a pirate radio or
effective web-based radio station that catches the ear of a local music
mogul who hires him/her to reinvent his station's format.
Outcome: Commercial radio in Omaha is as dismal as ever.
LY Prediction: No matter what happens, we're stuck with the
"boy bands" and goon rock for at least a couple more
Outcome: One year down…
Uh, six
for 12, not so good. Let's see if I can do better for 2002: |

An indie band will
again break through the pop-culture waves, just like Nirvana did in '92.
Radio-unfriendly-though-adored bands like The Strokes and Ryan Adams
have set the groundwork, though neither will be the culprit. The result
will be yet another indie-band feeding frenzy by the majors, but will
ultimately have little or no impact on the current boy-band/Britney-girl
popularity. Creed, on the other hand, could go the way of the dinosaur. |
XM Satellite Radio
and similar services will begin to catch on in a big way. XM
currently offers 71 CD-quality music channels (and that's only the
beginning) available from coast to coast. Sony, Alpine and Pioneer are
manufacturing XM car stereos that not only display the channel but the
song titles and artist names, for under $300 plus a $9.99 monthly
service fee. Imagine finally being able to listen to indie rock music in
your car without playing a CD. How can local FM music stations compete?
XM is a national broadcast -- leaving local radio stations as the only
outlet for listening to music by local bands. Stay tuned. |

The no-end-in-sight
rise in CD prices will force consumers to look for outlets other than
the record stores to acquire their favorite music. With the release of
new technology, such as Apple's iPod player which stores up to 1,000
songs in a device the size of a deck of cards and can download an entire
CD in 10 seconds (no kidding), MP3 sites will gain new credibility as a
realistic alternative to buying pricey compact discs. Those who argue
that consumers will not turn their backs on the comfort of holding a
finished CD package seem to have already forgotten that a similar
argument was raised by vinyl record collectors who scoffed at the idea
of CDs and their smaller-sized sleeve artwork. Watch record labels begin
to stumble over themselves to get in line with the technology and lock
down their profits. |
Look for the
establishment of a national chain of rock clubs, similar to the
Funnybone and Improv nation comedy club chains. While the concept makes
sense, especially for young rock bands who struggle figuring out how to
set up tours, the chain will create two classes of indie bands -- those
deemed "cool" because they only play at independently operated
clubs, and everyone else. |


A new national cable
music channel will launch in '02 to compete with MTV. It'll be similar
to Canada's Much Music, with the mission of presenting music instead of
craptacular reality-based programming. |
If you thought the
death of George Harrison rocked the music world… |

Get ready for a
slightly declining year in local music as the number of original music
venues slips and established clubs, such as the Ranch Bowl and The Music
Box, get greedy and book more cover bands. The shift will have an
immediate impact on the number of local bands, which will decline
compared to past years. Ultimately, fewer but better bands will emerge. |
Local radio will be
as dismal as ever, but a new 2-hour-a-week indie rock show will pop up
somewhere on the FM dial, scheduled again during late hours on the
weekend when no one is listening. It's better than nothing. |

The powers that be at
the Omaha World-Herald will recognize Christine Laue's hard work
covering local music and give her a promotion -- to editor of a
different section of the paper. Who will they find to replace her? "Hello, Jim Minge…?" |
I know I make this
prediction every year, but a local band will perform on network TV in
2002, probably on the Late, Late Show with Craig Kilborn, which
has been taking chances lately on presenting more obscure rock bands.
Keep your fingers crossed.

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Posted December 31, 2001. Published in the Omaha Weekly January
4, 2002. Copyright © 2001 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.