Ronald Drew Higgerson Musical Information Tape: A
Hailing from Flint, Mich.,
Higgerson is now living in the Big O (Omaha, that is). He says in his bio that his voice
and music are reminiscent of Elvis Costello and acoustic Springsteen. Instead, Higgerson's
voice and writing style are the spitting image of John Mellencamp, whether he wants to
admit it or not. And that's nothing to be ashamed of. This demo reminds me of when I first
heard a Freedy Johnston demo cut way back when in Lawrence (a good friend of mine at the
time was a friend of Johnston's and had a copy). You weren't sure if it was good, but you
knew there was potential to be good.
The production here is homemade, but not that bad (there's
obviously some recording mistakes, a couple times where Higgerson either doesn't know what
to sing, hasn't written lyrics or is mumbling; and the levels are all over the place).
It's good enough, however to figure out where Higgerson is headed. He's got a pretty good,
natural songwriting sense. There's no great leap in styles here, he's playing a sound
that's seems to be the product of years of listening to AM radio and noodling a guitar in
his bedroom. Hints of folk and country, but not too overpowering in either category. His
lyrics are fairly basic and mundane, and could use a little more thought. What breaks
these kinds of performers from the rest of the pack of pseudo-folkies is extremely
personal lyrics that avoid clichés at all costs. In other words, honesty. Forget that
you're writing a song and focus on telling a story, a memory, whatever, as long as it's
The overall sound is sparse (hey, this is an all acoustic effort,
remember?) Because his style is so "poppy," however, the songs suffer from not
having drums or a bass (yeah, I know he probably never intended to have a band backing
him, but the style of music he writes pretty much demands one). When he does add
additional instruments, the results are hit and miss (a couple songs feature piano -- a
nice touch, adds to the overall sound -- one has a harp -- a mistake that makes the track
sound cheesy).
Higgerson's bio says he's played at a handful of coffee houses
throughout Indiana, Nebraska, the East Coast. There doesn't seem to be any real touring
(and nothing in the past 8 to 10 months). What's in his future? Who knows. He says he's
headed to the studio to record a CD. Does he have the chutzpah to actually go on the road
and support it? That's a huge, expensive risk, but it'll be the key to any kind of future
success, and I think Higgerson knows it.
Contact Higgerson at peerpod@home.com
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