Greyday Productions
is a sloppy, slacker ennui that hangs over this whole project, accentuating
the melodies with I-don't-care assurance. Last time I heard this
sort of confident boredom was Beck's first couple albums. There
is something to be said for an approach that flaunts purposeful
The CD's lurching, unstable
effect is emphasized by the scratchy, distorted vocal pick-up, as
if Larsen were singing through a '30s-era Philco. How much of that
distortion is due to his mobile 8-track studio is uncertain, though
I'm sure it sounds exactly as he intended. Yes, it becomes tiresome
and distracting, and ultimately, unnecessary. It works best on tracks
when Larsen slowly brings in other instruments (opener "Saint
Sebastian," the trippy "On An Ice Block"), proving
an almost 3-D effect vs. his static-flat warbling.
There are only a few
noticeable points of references for comparison. "Rose in Reverse"
sounds like retro low-fi Strokes, while "Snap and Crackle"
reminds me of Death Cab for Cutie. In fact, Larsen's voice resembles
Ben Gibbard's, though it's not nearly as cute and cuddly, nor does
it want to be.
It's hard to make out
exactly what Larsen's trying to accomplish other than to create
an overwhelming sense of fatigue or futility. If that's his goal
-- to construct arty portraits of generation Y despair trapped within
an urban dustbowl -- he's succeeded beyond his wildest imagination.
By the end, you're left with a faded profile of someone on the verge
of a nervous breakdown, or recovering from one.
Posted Aug. 1, 2003.
Copyright © 2003 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.

Rating: Yes
Obligatory pull-quote:
is something to be said for an approach that flaunts purposeful
disinterest." |