The Love from Above
Caulfield Records
A drum-and-guitar
duo that creates as big a sound as any other band from this state,
The Lepers are an orgy of dark brooding that borders on dread and
despair. This is the music that should be playing in the background
as Kurtz is massacred in Apocalypse Now.
Guitarist/vocalist Owen
Cleasby weaves echoing, textured guitars and lost-soul vocals over
Ken Brock's intricate, mathematically precise drumming. It all sounds
like dark-oil-black-leather midnight-death. And when Brock goes
tribal and Cleasby loses it, like on the volcanic "Beating
the Bushes," it borders on fear.
Not a pop album, this
is more of an experiment in ambiance and texture that compares only
vaguely (only remotely) to some of Perry Farrell's more heady, drug-induced
forays. Worth it for its elegant intensity.
Posted Nov. 23,
2002. Copyright © 2002 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.

Rating: Yes
Obligatory pull-quote:
is the music that should be playing in the background as Kurtz
is massacred in Apocalypse Now." |