3-song demo
the mostly loud, fuzzy guitar licks, this middle-of-the-road Freebirdin'
music will appeal to those into the mellower side of the Crows --
either the Black or Counting variety. All three tracks on their
self-released debut EP move at an EZ-FM radio pace, plodding forward
with an even keel, trying hard not to offend and succeeding.
The talent is there,
with a line-up consisting of some local veterans, including lead
singer/guitarist Justin Lamoureux, bassist Mike Fratt (ex-Acorns)
and drummer J Ochoa (ex-The Get).
Lamoureux's twang-tinged
voice does just enough to ebb and flow with the two-dimensional
chord changes, trying his damdest to sound like someone you've heard
before but can't quite put your finger on. The best parts, however,
are when Lamoureux isn't singing and the band simply leans back
and does some jamming in a quasi-Neil Young sorta way. They would
be well-advised to draw out these little jams for four or five minutes
during their live set -- but something tells me that would be a
bit 'too risky.'
Their music suffers from
a bad case of the same-ees -- there isn't much variety from song
to song, especially in the pace, dynamics and chord progression
departments. Even when the band tries to take it down noticeably
on the closing track, the ballady "On My Own," it only
takes a minute or so to get back into the same old groove. The end
product has a slightly hypnotizing effect. Still, for a demo, not
bad at all. It'll be fun to see what happens when the band let's
go of its self-imposed reigns and takes the road less traveled.
Posted Nov. 1,
2002. Copyright © 2002 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.

Rating: Yes
Obligatory pull-quote:
isn't much variety from song to song, especially in the pace,
dynamics and chord progression departments." |