Talked About Murder
Expecting the Explosion
Has Anyone Ever
Told You?
impossible to not hear the influence of post-hardcore acts like
Cursive and Fugazi. But whereas Cursive wears its hardcore roots
more as a weave that can be easily be detached, hardcore is a full-blown
hairpiece for these guys.
On tracks like "Pass
It Around," and the grinding closer "Kiddie Pool Conversation"
the Austin, Texas, quartet lays on the noise at the expense of melody.
Meanwhile, songs like CD opener "Steppin' Out," fist-pounder
"Gone Wrong" and pulsing "Andante Please" sound
like they came off a watered-down version of Cursive's Domestica,
right down to the guitar effects and Rick Gonzelez's Kasher-esque
delivery. They lack subtlety; they're also the best tracks on the
While the band gets the
sonics right (though they could use a little more clarity in their
recording), they miss the boat lyrically. Either as a hardcore or
post-hardcore act, the message is in the reading material, not the
music. There has to be a reason for letting yourself wade through
the noisy morass. Most lyrics are uncomprehensable, while others,
like "I've been waiting here all night long" ("Promise
Play"), just don't cut it. Get yourself some history, boys,
then put it down on tape. You're almost there.
Posted May 9, 2003.
Copyright © 2003 Tim McMahan. All rights reserved.

Rating: No
Obligatory pull-quote:
like they came off a watered-down version of Cursive's Domestica,
right down to the guitar effects and Rick Gonzelez's Kasher-esque
delivery." |