
Spindles: For the Faint of Heart
story by tim mcmahan
Lazy-i: October 2, 2002
w/Now It's Overhead, Azure Ray
Tuesday, Oct. 8
9 p.m.
Sokol Underground
13th & Martha
creation of Omaha's newest synth-driven instrumental project, Broken
Spindles, is really the story of how a long, Chicago winter changed
the life of the project's leader, Joel Petersen.
Spindles is Petersen, who also happens to be the bassist for Omaha
synth-rock band The Faint. He told his story during a break in sound
check via cell phone from The Black Cat in Washington, D.C., last
Friday, where Broken Spindles was slated to open for Azure Ray and
Now It's Overhead as part of a tour that brings all three bands
to Omaha's Sokol Underground Oct. 8.
The project began at
the end of 2001. The Faint, which had already gained national attention
as thee up-and-coming electronic indie band to watch, had just finished
a tour in support of its latest Saddle Creek Records release, Danse
Macabre, and was taking a break before hitting the road again,
this time as the opener for No Doubt. While Faint lead singer, Todd
Baechle, chose to discover the mysteries of Thailand, Petersen set
off for a land just as foreign in his mind -- Chicago.
"It was really the
first time we as a band decided to take a month or two off, and
I spent it with my girlfriend (Geraldine Vo) in Chicago, which was
a new city and a new environment for me," Petersen said. "Somewhere
in the middle of that, a friend of mine in L.A. asked me to put
together an accompanying track for a skateboarding video."
Within a week using a
laptop powered by Reason, a music-making software that mixes sound
effects with synths, samplers, drum machines, loop players, and
a sequencer, Petersen came up with three pulsing tracks.
"It was relatively
easy and fun to do," he said. His filmmaker friend ultimately
never used the tracks, but with more time on his hands and nothing
to do while his girlfriend was at work, Petersen forged ahead to
create an entire CD's-worth of music inspired by the Windy City
and its stark winter weather.
the tracks have been used fodder for new Faint music? "I think
it has similarities to The Faint," Petersen said. "I could
have brought it to the band, but it would have been changed quite
a bit after five heads had altered it."
Instead, Petersen took
the tracks to Mike Mogis, who operates Lincoln's Presto! Recording
Studios with his brother, A.J. Mogis. Mike traveled with The Faint
on the No Doubt tour, running the band's sound. "Even before
then, I had wanted to do a project with Mike," Petersen said.
"Music created on a laptop can sound cold and sterile. It's
a challenge to bring it to the real world and make it sound like
real instruments. I figured the songs would have more depth if I
replaced my sounds with music played by humans."
Mogis and Petersen sat
down and outlined how to recreate the recording using real instruments,
including hammered dulcimer, glockenspiel, vibraphone and electric
guitar, most played by the more versatile Mogis. Petersen then reworked
the synthesizer sounds, and the final result is Broken Spindles'
eponymous debut CD, released in September on TIger Style Records.
"Broken Spindles
is the name for an improvisational project that I was involved with
quite a few years ago with a group of people," Petersen said,
adding the he got permission to use the name for the CD. "I
tried to capture the spirit of being relatively free using a laptop.
In my mind, it was a continuation of that old project."
The CD is pure electronic
disturbance, a cacophony of click-clack doo-dads strung together
by visceral buzzings, teeth-jarring static, tiny (and not so tiny)
digital explosions all cut nicely with the non-digital human sounds
of throaty bells, chimes and glockenspiel.
Petersen has crafted
a riot of synthesized tones and brutally fused it with glass-breaking
dance beats, urban bass lines, and freewheeling guitar riffs to
create a sound that exists somewhere between a sweaty dance club
and your headphones.
When he goes for the
darkened dance floor, like on the irresistible "Downtown Venues,"
he works every throbbing beat for peak rump-shaking intensity. "Connection
in Progress," with its bone-breaking rhythm track, hard-on
bass line, white-knuckle guitar, and the usual battery of whizzy
synths, most resembles something that could have been turned into
a Faint song. It rumbles forward at a gallop-pace like watching
a white stripe flicker in the headlights as you fly down the middle
of a deserted road at 110, lightening glowing in the distance.
For every rump-shaker,
there's a weirdo track, like the club-footed "A Dinner Party
Ambiance" that lays organ tones and glockenspiel over a series
of fuzzy synth-powered explosions; or the snap-crackle-pop insect
march called "Gamey" that could be the soundtrack for
a plague of metallic locusts.
The ultimate head trip
comes at the end. The first three or four minutes of "Twitching
and Restless" are characterized by the most striking melody
on the disc, a beautiful tone play reminiscent of a soundtrack to
a grainy 1970s European film. As the song stumbles forward, Petersen
insidiously adds more and more buzzing synths, first as a counter
melody before giving way completely to an electronic cloud of distorted
noises that sizzle atop a thump-thump-thump rhythm track, finally
devolving into pure, unbearable chaos that lasts for eight or nine
minutes before finally dropping off into a quiet static rhythm.
At just over 14 minutes, Peterson says "Twitching
had to be on the CD.
"I've always been
interested in the moods and textures that noise creates," he
said. "To put a 9-minute noise texture on the end of that song
was a weird decision, but it was important to the album. It sums
up what I was going through being in a different city and the process
of writing and working with Mike."

figured the songs would have more depth if I replaced my sounds
with music played by humans."

is a visual thing. It's not about people jumping around and
getting sweaty."
Petersen, that brief time away from his band in Chicago was a turning
point in his career. "It was the first time that I really had
to myself to figure out what I wanted to do as an artist and musician,"
he said. "I've always been performing with people, and that's
extremely valuable to me, but this kind of proved that I can finish
something on my own."
And the rest of The Faint
couldn't be happier. "They're all extremely supportive,"
Petersen said. "We're all supportive of anything that any one
of us does creatively and artistically."
Before reworking the
tracks with Mogis, Petersen had sent the laptop-powered demos to
a few labels. Tiger Style Records, which has put out a number of
instrumental-only CDs by the likes of Tristeza (and Jimmy LaValle
side project The Album Leaf) The Mercury Project and The Letter
E, immediately took notice. "They thought it was great in demo
form," Petersen said. "They were completely blown away
by the final product."
Ah, but with a label
commitment comes the challenge of promotion, and Petersen had never
intended to recreate Broken Spindles live. "I've seen guys
perform with laptops and never thought it was a great form of expression,"
he said. "I knew that I couldn't put a band together, either."
Instead, Petersen decided
to turn Broken Spindles into a multi-media project.
"I figured that
I'd play bass and have sequenced beats and music, and then invite
Geraldine on tour and have her play accordion and keyboards. It
would be just the two of us with the main focus being the video."
Shot using a portable
Sony DV camera and edited with a Macintosh computer and Final Cut
Pro 3.0 software, the support video is a reflection of what was
going on in Petersen's head when he created the CD. "It's about
finding my niche in a foreign environment," he said. "The
footage was shot in Chicago, some in Lincoln and some existed nowhere."
He called Broken Spindles'
live performance "the complete opposite" of a Faint concert.
"I'm used to playing punk bars where the emphasis is on performance
and energy," he said. "This is a visual thing. It's not
about people jumping around and getting sweaty." He added that
so far, the crowd response has been very positive.
So what comes next for
Petersen? The Oct. 8 Sokol Underground date is the last with Now
Its Overhead and Azure Ray. It's followed by a performance at the
Nov. 1 Tiger Style CMJ Showcase in Brooklyn. Then it's back to The
"The Faint will
tour Europe during the latter half of November and early December,
then come home and work on redoing our live set with some new songs
and some different technology, hopefully in time for a U.S. tour
in spring 2003," Petersen said, adding that there are no plans
for a new Faint CD in the foreseeable future.
As for Broken Spindles,
"I'm interested in continuing the visual things as well as
the music," Peterson said. "Now that I have this figured
out, I want to work on the video and music together as a united
thing. If it doesn't work, there's no one to blame but me."
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Published in The Omaha Weekly Oct. 2, 2002. Copyright 2002 Tim
McMahan. All rights reserved.